waC* wonderful art COMMUNITY 特別支援学校卒業生のアート
waC* wonderful art COMMUNITY 特別支援学校卒業生のアート
waCの作品は 観る人を
【 ハッと驚かせる 】(ドキドキ、ときめき)
【 ホッとする安らぎに包まれる 】 (癒し、リフレッシュ)
【 なんだか元気がわいてくる 】 (エネルギッシュ )
そんな ワクワク( waC ×2 )する不思議なチカラをもったARTです。
w o n d e r f u l A R T と呼んでんでいます。
■ waC 結成の経緯 と waC の願い
waC が彼らにとって大切な場所になること、そのアートのチカラでたくさんの人をつないでいくことを私たちはめざしていきます。
■ waC メンバー
( 対象…静岡県立藤枝特別支援学校および焼津分校の卒業生で
絵を描くことが好きな方 )
■ waC スタッフ
■ waC 責任者
w a C 代 表 大石 美津子 ( 藤枝市 )
w a C STAFF代表 吉田 恵美子 ( 焼津市 )
w a C 制作責任者 松本 進 ( 静岡市 )
w a C 事務局長 水上 敏子 ( 藤枝市 )
■ 制作活動
■ 発表の場
waC ART展にて
■ waC facebook
■ waC プロモーションビデオ
w o n d e r f u l A R T C O M M U N I T Y
* 驚くほど豊かな色彩
* 心が和むピュアな表現
* 人間味とユーモアが溢れるあたたかさ
* どこまでも自由で 枠にとらわれない表現
* 生き生きとした迷いのないライン
* 無心で描いた感性豊かな作品たち
ワンダフル アート コミュニティ は、特別支援学校卒業生の
素敵な A R T と地域社会 や 企業、ショップなどのたくさんの人をつないでいく C O M M U N I T Y です。
w o n d e r f u l A R T C O M M U N I T Y
* Surprisingly rich colors
* Pure expressions that calms down
* Humor and humor are full of warmth
* Expression that is free and boundless to everything
* Lively, straight line without hesitation
* Sensitivity works drawn with no heart
Wonderful art community, special support school graduates
It is COMMUNITY that connects a wonderful A R T with a lot of people such as communities, businesses, shops.
waC's works watch the viewers
[Surprised Happily ] (Doki Doki, Throbbing)
[To be relieved to be relieved] (healing, refreshing)
[Somehow comes up with energy] (Energetic)
It is ART with a strange FORCE to be so exciting (waC × 2).
We, the wonderful works of art and the way we draw out, the whole expression activity
We are calling wonderful ART.
■ History of waC Formation and Wish of waC
The art work of the students of special support schools is filled with freedom not bound by the frame. I am enjoying painting with obedience, purity, I think that it is because I express it with inattention.When you are enrolled in a school, you can demonstrate that sense freely in art classes and club activities. And there is also a place to announce the work. However, once you graduate from school, there are almost no opportunities to make use of that sensibility and a place to send out its splendor. The special ability and charm that you have are losing without shining, it is very wasteful thing.So I want them to continue to produce over their entire life! For that reason I would like to create a place of expression activities that can freely demonstrate their abilities and produce works freely! We have launched waC with such wishes. It is in April 2012. And, by transmitting that wonderful art to the local community, I wish that many people feel that goodness.
There is a FORCE in their picture. Feel free from the charm of the work that you drew as you wish, and get inspiration from their work.
We will aim to make waC become an important place for them, and to connect many people with that art's power.
■ waC member
Started with 8 members in 2012, mainly of graduates of Shizuoka Prefecture Fujieda Special Support School. After that, every year the number of members continues to increase, and as of 2018 it has reached 20 people. Age is 19 to 25 years old. Members are located in Fujieda City, Yaizu City, Shimada City, Makinohara City, Shizuoka City. I would like to increase members gradually from now.
(Target ... It is a graduate of Shizuoka Prefecture Fujieda Special Support School and Yaizu branch
Those who like to draw)
■ waC staff
Teachers of special support schools mainly support activities as volunteer staff. I always get energetic from the brightness of
the members and the energy of the work.
■ responsible for waC
waC representative Misuko Oishi (Fujieda City)
waC STAFF representative Emiko Yoshida (Yaizu City)
waC Production Manager Susumu Matsumoto
(Shizuoka City)
waC Secretary General Toshiko Mizukami (Fujieda City)
■ Production activities
On the fourth Saturday of every month, I am producing at Fujieda Cultural Center 2F in Shizuoka Prefecture Fujieda City. Basically, members express themselves as if they want to draw something they want to draw. I also choose painting materials according to my style of expression freely.
In addition, we are going out to sketch trips and making them outdoors, participating in regional events and making public productions. (You are free to visit.The figure you draw is also exactly art.
■ Place for presentation
at waC ART exhibition
Until now, we have been working on the shopping district in front of Yaizu Station, Fujieda Station South Exit, Fujieda Lifelong Learning Center, Renjakuji Pond Park, CCC (Shizuoka City), Noah Gallery (Shizuoka City), Emma Gallery (Fujieda City), Cafe Sersa (Yaizu City), Fujieda City Literature ART exhibition is held at the museum and others. About 10 times annually, we are disseminating to the area.
Also, at Shizuoka Mitsubishi Motors Fujieda shop, waC's works are permanently displayed.
■ waC facebook
You can see the state of the monthly production and many works. Please take a look.
■ waC promotion video
Video distribution on YouTube. Please take a look.